When building a brand or leading a marketing effort, it can be tempting to want to hold tight to control. To be the brand police.
But what if you shared the love a bit, loosened the reins and let your audience have some ownership of the brand – what might that look like? How could you let consumers be part of the brand’s evolution? That’s where UGC comes in.
As business owners and marketers, we have endless tools to reach our consumers. It can be tempting to take advantage of every platform, tactic and technology to build that optimal, omni-channel strategy. But sometimes, keeping it simple can be a more effective strategy than doing it all.
“Content strategy” can feel like another marketing buzz-phrase but in reality, it’s pretty simple. It’s about generating the types of content that match your overall objective. Hubspot defines content strategy as “a plan in which you use content to achieve your business goals.” Where brands can go wrong is sticking to just one type of […]
Hi! I'm Colleen.
I’m a strategic marketing professional with over a decade of experience and a passion for mission-based brands.
I’m also a trained writer who loves teaching people and organizations how to improve their communication to achieve their goals. Part marketing leader, part communications instructor, 100% focused on YOUR growth.